If a system has to work optimally, all components should work as it should. Every component of a system should understand, that its freedom ends when another component's freedom starts.
Fortunately or unfortunately ours is a democratic system. There are many components that makes this complex eco system tick. Common Public (Atheists, Middle ground to Fanatics), Politicians (Manmohan Singh to Pappu Yadav), Civil Servants, Media ( The Hindu to infinite number of blogs), Security Forces , Human right activists ( Arundathi Roy, PUCL , Krishna Iyer) or plain dissenters constitute this eco system. If one of the components tries to oscilate beyond its defined wave length band, the whole system will go out of sync. There will be cacophony instead of symphony.
Our governing system does have its own shortcomings. But is the shortcomings only limited to the governing class ? I beg to differ. As a society we deserve the politicians we have...( Let someone publish the voting % of South Mumbai since 1993 for all the elections from corporation to parliament). To extend that logic, we also deserve the media we have. ( Here our Learned anchors gets mixed up between Tu Tu Main Main serials and a serious meanigful debate)
We have raised questions about Pakistan, Terrorists & Our netas .. It is high time to ask the same questions about our electronic media. Are they doing a fully constructive job after the Mumbai blasts (regardless their good inentions) ? . NDTV gets some one like Simi Grewal , who wants nothing but "Carpet Bombing" of Pakistan and "We wont pay any more taxes" rhetoric ...( Wow... another Civil disobdience movement).. Dont they realize such empty rhetoric at such a traumatic and emotional moment, may influence many.
I was so glad that Govt. of India chose Julious Rebeiro and KPS Gill to take care of Punjab Terrorism.. Otherwise, Punjab would have been History by now :-)..
Times Now tv now keep asking this much "loaded" question to its viewers " Will the Kasav go the way Afsal Guru. Will a Billion people be cheated of justice ?"
Do they realize Murugan who was sentenced to death for Rajiv Gandhi Assasination is still languishing in Indian Prison without being hanged ? (Accused 3: Sriharan alias Murugan alias Thas alias Indu Master; Sri Lankan; arrested on June 14, 1991; confessional statement recorded on Aug 8, 1991. On May 11, 1998 The honorable supreme court did upheld the conviction and punishment. ) Wasn't Mr. Advani the home minister and Arun Jaitely the law minister for such a long time. Did they think, the brutal assasination of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi is less of crime, compared to Parliament attack. For the last 4 years. isn't Sonia Gandhi the "real PM" of India according to her detractors ? Couldn't she have done somthing to advance the execution date of her husband's murderers?
The reason why they dont interfere in these matters (according to me), they do have a conscience and a belief in humanity. They may be also beleiving that Individual retribution and revenge does not help us in anyway.
Wasn’t Satwant Singh , the convicted murderer of Mrs. Gandhi defended by none other than Ram Jethmalani who later went on to take the responsibility of Law ministry in Vajpayee cabinet .. ( Isn’t this Indianess we should preserve. The Law minster of our great nation was someone who was a great professional. Did that diminish his stature ? Absolutely no.)
I am really amazed at the fact, this calumny about Afzal Guru was allowed to grow as cactus in Indian minds by vested interests.
In 1947, India won its independence along with Pakistan. After so many years, regardless of our shortcomings, if we have done pretty well as a nation, it is only because of the value system left behind our founding fathers. Look at our neighbor. It is going to be a failed nation. As a nation we survived many of the trials and tribulations, only because our Core values which are still strong. We will not only survive the latest crisis, but also thrive, despite our godforsaken system, despite some of the politicians (who only think about Votebank politics), despite some of the elements in media and despite some of our citizens who are so shortsighted their horizon starts at their nose..
The Socialites of South Mumbai hardly realize that we ordinary Indians ( From Assam to J& K) have endured all these Trauma thru ages... They woke up and made this a matter of India, only when there favorite restaurant Wasabi was hit.
It is high time we realize that we need to Respond and not react...
And Respond with Good judgement..
We need to separate SUBATANCE from NOISE ....
We need to be TOUGH, but without losing HUMAN TOUCH..
We need to be ANGRY , but should NOT LET ANGER BLIND OUR EYES..
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